The Officially Immortal Kawaii Bloggers

The launching of Maqaroon has brought us adorable immortalizations of your favorite bloggers within the large Japan-influenced realm. YES I HAVE ARRIVED. I thought I had arrived but not until I was officially immortalized have I truly arrived to the blog-o-sphere. Click here for the weekly blogger additions (32 in total).

Believe it or not immortalizing yours truly isn't the only fantastic thing this site has going for it. Maqaroon features super cute stickers and posters that include all the greatest current fashion trends PERIOD. Pick your poison and there you have an abundance of cuteness. Whether it be Lolita Circus, So Euro, Hip to Bear, I <3 USA or Harajuku Zoo. Yes and damn it a global fashion extravaganza of course has WORLDWIDE SHIPPING. Click here to shop your global a** off.
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